The Washington Times: My wife refused the COVID-19 vaccination and is about to lose her job

If you dismiss even one tyranny or one small injustice for the sake of personal comfort or blind conformity, you consent to the expansion of powers that ultimately will control you entirely. 

My family has decided to stand up. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated more than anything that our social order is fragile, that our Constitution is under threat, and that when you give the corrupt government an inch, it will take a mile. An engaged and educated citizenry is always the biggest threat to the radical political minorities that attempt to subjugate the majority.

My wife and I are going to fight this discrimination, banding together with others. We know it’s hard to face this type of coercion and public vilification, but Americans must know they are not alone in this fight. My family is with you too, and we’re not backing down. 

READ Tom’s latest column for The Washington Times.